TreadLab, in collaboration with other scientists at Emory, GA Tech and MT. Sinai receive a new R61/R33 grant to study neural mechanisms of effort-based decision-making using deep brain stimulation.
Dr. Treadway appears on the “People Behind the Science” podcast. Listen here!
TReAD Lab Research Assistant Shiyin Liu was accepted to graduate school at UCLA. Congrats Shiyin! We will miss you!
Congrats to our graduating seniors: Emma and Vicky!
TReAD Lab graduate student Shosuke Suzuki accepted a pre-doctoral internship at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. Congrats Sho!
TReAD Lab alumna Dr. Amanda Arulpragasam is promoted to Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Brown University. Congrats Amanda!!
TReAD Lab Attends SRP
Shiyin Liu, Jessica Kubert, Jon Ryan, and Sarah Etuk presented posters at the Society for Research in Psychopathology annual meeting.
TReAD Lab Attends SOBP
Shosuke Suzuki and Marta Migo presented posters and the Society of Biological Psychiatry annual meeting. Sarah Etuk presented a talk entitled “Stress Alters the Encoding of Prediction Error Signals and Inflammation in Patients with Depression and High Inflammation”.
Dr. Shabnam Hossein successfully defends her dissertation!
Dr. Hossein successfully defended her dissertation, and will begin a post-doctoral position in the lab of Rebecca Price at the University of Pittsburgh. Congrats Shabs! We’ll miss you!!
Marta Migo successfully defends her Masters
Marta defended her Master’s thesis focused on modeling patterns of rumination. Congrats Marta!
Dr. Jess Cooper promoted to Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Assistant Director of the TReADLab.
Dr. Cooper has been promoted to Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and now serves as Assistant Director of the lab. Congrats Jess!
TReADLab receives new R01
Led my MPIs Craighead and Treadway, this project will examine neural mechanisms of change during behavioral activation therapy in adolescents with depression.
Dr. Jess Cooper receives K01 award from NIMH
Her grant will examine the common and distinct effects of the inflammation and the maladaptive glutamate response (MGR) to stress in anhedonia.
Sarah Etuk successfully defends her Masters
Sarah successfully defended her Master’s thesis on the effects of infliximab on effort-based decision-making. Congrats Sarah!
Andrew Wei and William Yun successfully defend their honors theses
Andrew and Willy will graduate with honors in psychology and NBB, respectively. Congrats!
Shabnam Hossein matches at Western Psych
Shabnam will begin her clinical internship this summer at U Pitt/Western Psych. Congrats Shabs! We will miss you!!
TReADLab receives new R01 grant
This study will characterize the effects of the fast-acting anti-depressant ketamine on the maladaptive glutamate response (MGR) to stress in patients with mood disorders.
The APA Monitor publishes a new piece on our lab’s research program.
Full text can be found here
Congrats to Dr. Jess Cooper and team on their new paper in Nature Communications
A press release on the paper can be found here
Congrats to Sho, Victoria, Amanda and Jess on their new paper in Nature Human Behavior
A press release on the paper can be found here
Congrats to Dr. Amanda Arulpragasam on succesfully defending her dissertation
Amanda will start a new post-doctoral position at Brown University in Fall, 2021. We will miss you Amanda!
Winship Distinguished Research Professor in Psychology
Congratulations to Michael for being promoted to Winship Distinguished Research Professor in Psychology.
Randolph Blake Early Career Award
The program in Psychological Sciences at Vanderbilt established The Randolph Blake Early Career Award to recognize exemplary alumni of our program in the early stages of their career. Michael received this award in 2020.
APA Distinguished Scientific Early Career Award
Michael was recognized by the APA for his innovative research on effort’s role in motivational deficits in psychopathology. He received the Award for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology.
Michael and Shabnam Hossein are Awarded Emory Synergy Grant
New project in collaboration with Babak Mahmoudi’s group in the Bioinformatics department will seek to develop AI algorithms for integration and analysis of neuroimaging, behavioral and genomic data
Drew Teer Successfully Defends Dissertation
First TReADLab Doctoral Graduate! Congrats Dr. Teer!
Amanda Receives APA Dissertation Enhancement award!
TReAD Lab Research Highlight
Our lab's recent publication was highlighted by Psychology Today - read the full story here.
APS Janet Taylor Spence Award
Michael received the 2019 APS Janet Taylor Spence Award. This award recognizes transformative early career contributions to psychological science. Award recipients are APS members who are among the most creative and promising investigators. Congratulations, Michael!
Congratulations 2019 TReAD Lab Graduates!
Two of our undergraduate research assistants are graduating this May -- congratulations to Kristi and Annabel! We cannot thank them enough for their leadership and hard work throughout their time at the TReAD lab.
FABBS Early Career Impact Award
Michael Treadway was honored as the recipient of the FABBS Early Career Impact Award. This award is presented to early career scientists of FABBS member societies during the first 10 years post-PhD and recognizes scientists who have made major contributions to the sciences of mind, brain, and behavior. Congratulations, Michael!